Monday, 14 May 2012

SCCM Client Not Updating the server - Part 2

Following on from this post the fix I decided to use is again, not ideal but it will get the machines talking back to the SCCM server.

The solution was to create a task sequence in Group Policy Preferences.
"Computer Configuration" > "Preferences" > "Control Panel Settings" > "Scheduled Tasks".

Create a new task with the following settings. The most important one is "Run with highest priviledges". Enter the details of an admin account that can run this on the PC's you want it to as well.

Create a new trigger, I went for "At log on", and delayed this by an hour. So after the user has been logged in for an hour, run this task. I also add a limit to how long this can run, just incase.

Create a new action, "Start a program". You want to run:

I have also added a condition that a network connection must be available. There is no point trying to reconnect to the server if it cannot be reached.

The rest of the settings dont really matter, but the above is what I went for. As long as a machine gets Group Policy, the SCCM client will repair.

Still best to resolve the issue with the build as outlined in this post, but this will fix the ones that slipped through the deployment.

Re-install SCCM Client

There comes time when reinstalling the SCCM client on the users PC is needed. I tend to delete the client from the SCCM server before doing this so that a new account is created.

Click > "Start" and type "CMD"
Right click on "cmd.exe" and click "Run as Administrator"

Click Yes or authenticate to run the CMD window as Admin.
NOTE: "Run as administrator" is NOT the same as runing as an administrator account!!

In the command window, type the following:

cd / <enter>
cd \Windows\System32\ccmsetup\ <tab><tab>
Where <enter> and <tab> are the enter and tab keys on your keyboard.

This should now show the path including the GUID of the folder and press enter. This is different for every computer.

msiexec /x client.msi <enter>

The SCCM client will now uninstall. Once removed, run "ccmsetup.exe" again. You cannot install from the MSI. This can be found on the SCCM server, or from the folder:

Since this silently installs the SCCM client, watch to see when the process "ccmsetup" stops running.